Igår natt släppte presidenten för NPT RevCon ett första utkast över slutdokumentet. I förordet har han sammanfattat en slutlig deklaration med 10 punkter. Som svar på detta dokument har NGO sammanslutningen Abolition 2000 publicerat en egen ”Final Declaration” med utgångspunkt från originalet. Nedan finner ni den officiella texten i jämförelse med Abolition 2000:s. Gissa vilken som är vilket! Hela rapporten hittar Du på /web/20150917201526/http://www.reachingcriticalwill.org/

Final Declaration to the NPT version 1

Reiterating their commitment to the effective and full implementation of the objectives of the Treaty, the decisions and resolution on the Middle East of the 1995 Review and Extension Conference and the Final Document of the 2000 Review Conference,

Seeking to achieve the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons,

Recognizing that the Treaty is essential to international peace and security, and to the achievement of nuclear disarmament and of general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control,

Acknowledging the grave dangers that are inherent in the continued existence of nuclear weapons,

Reaffirming that universal adherence to the Treaty would greatly strengthen international peace and security,

Firmly convinced of the importance of maintaining an acceptable balance of mutual responsibilities and obligations among all States Party to the Treaty,

Reaffirming the fundamental importance of full and strict compliance by all States with all provisions of the Treaty, and recognizes that full implementation of all provisions of the Treaty is essential to preserve the integrity of the Treaty and continuation of trust among States parties,

Determined to advance global nuclear disarmament, to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons or nuclear explosive devices, and to promote peaceful uses of nuclear energy,

Recognizing the vital role of safeguards implemented by the International Atomic Energy Agency in verifying the peaceful uses of nuclear energy by all States Party to the Treaty,

Underscoring their determination to improve the implementation of the Treaty and to strengthen its authority,

Final Declaration to the NPT version 2

Iterating, for the first time, their collective commitment to commence negotiations now on a nuclear weapons convention, backed by a strong system of verification, as proposed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations in his five-point plan on nuclear disarmament,

Seeking to achieve the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons as a near-term goal, not a far-off vision,

Recognizing that a nuclear weapons convention is essential to international peace and security, and to the achievement of nuclear disarmament and of general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control,

Acknowledging that the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 were crimes against humanity, and that nuclear testing and uranium mining have had a catastrophic impact,

Reaffirming that universal adherence to a nuclear weapons convention would greatly strengthen international peace and security,

Firmly convinced of the importance of maintaining forever a world without nuclear weapons,

Reaffirming the fundamental importance of full compliance with article VI of the Treaty, which requires all States to negotiate nuclear disarmament, including by means of a nuclear weapons convention,

Determined to advance global nuclear disarmament, to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons, to promote renewable energy sources, and to redirect nuclear weapons expenditure towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals,

Recognizing the vital role of the International Renewable Energy Agency in ensuring a sustainable future,

Underscoring their determination to transform the rhetorical vision of a world without nuclear weapons into a reality without further delay,